Sunday, 17 December 2017

Review: Happy Pigs


Game:Happy PigsRelease Date:2013
Designer & Artist:Kuraki MuraPlayer Count:2 - 6
PublisherIELLOPlay Time:30 - 40 mins

In Play 2In this smart, pleasantly frustrating and cute spin on one of the oldest board game genres you’ll be a cuboid-pig farmer, attempting to rear, grow, and sell on your biggest and best pigs for good old fashion dollars!  Each turn you’ll desperately have to gauge the market to make the best use of the scant options available to you, hoping (or if you’re smart, planning) the best strategy so that you’ll get the best returns for all that pig mess you’ve had to stand in to get there!

Player ActionTokens

The game is played over one year, made up of the four seasons, which in turn is made of four rounds. (You may start to notice some symmetry here)  In which you choose from the same four possible actions: Buy, Mate, Feed, or Sell.  

When buying you’ll be able to buy more pigs (you have a choice of four sizes), or items such as inoculations love potions or special food.  Mate, surprisingly allows you to add a new little piglet to your pig farm if you have a breeding pair.  Feed makes your pigs bigger, which helps you make more money when you eventually sell your pigs, with large pigs being worth five times more than a piglet.

Pig Sizes

On top of this, each round has a Seasonal Effect card which affects the game in some way for that round only, these range from market fluctuations, special offers, to Bacon Festivals.   Yes, Bacon Festivals, with a capital “B”.

Finally, at the end of each season, any pigs that you haven’t inoculated unfortunately die off (not the real sad part of this game).  At the very end of the game, all players sell off their livestock and whoever has the most money wins. A very mechanically simple, slick game then by the sounds of it, right?

This Little Piggy Went to Market

Seasonal EffectsThe core of the game comes from how a player gets what they’re after.  It isn’t a simple case of first come first serve, or the highest bidder, no.  Happy Pigs has a very simple, yet very effective supply and demand system powering its engine.  In each round, the four actions are only available X amount of times (where X is different for each action and in each round) and you’ll have to share X with every other player who wants that action at the same time as you.  So, when you want to feed your pigs, you have to consider and be prepared for the fact that you may not be able to use all eight Feed actions.  You may have to split those eight actions anywhere between two, and six ways - and that doesn’t leave a lot of food.

This does two really interesting things to the game.  One, it will really tick you off.  A lot.  I’m quite a vocal and...shall we say animated gamer.  I actually managed to make an opponent cry when playing this game - with laughter at how colourful my language became when describing my frustration - but still, he cried.

And the second interesting thing it does is it keeps you above the game, this game has zero player versus player mechanics and in many ways you’re tableau building, but unlike other tableau building games, where it is often too easy to become solely focused on your own creation with little concern for the other players.  That isn’t possible in Happy Pigs, every player has to be aware of what the competition is doing each and every round.

All seasons are created equal, but some seasons are more equal than others.

Season CardsI’m just going to come out and say it, this game is swingy, it can also suffer from a runaway leader, and arguably has a dominant strategy.  All of these issues arise from the Seasonal Effects.  For me, these hamper (HAMper, get it?...I’ll get my coat) an otherwise very interesting and enjoyable game.  In total there are 24 of these cards, only 16 of which will be used each game, however many of them are repeated (or virtually repeated anyway).  A quick count tells me there a 6 cards that raise the prices to varying degrees, 5 of them give $25 payout, there are 4 copies of the Season of Love card, and then a further 5 cards that give you one or other of the goods.  In short, of the 24 cards but only really 7 types of card.  Even the action numbers are pretty static, and once you’ve had a close look the strategy becomes fairly obvious.

Market Items

This quite frankly pees me off, because it creates a very uneven playing field.  Prior game experience is pretty much always going to put you in a better winning position in most games (more so those that don’t have a big luck aspect), but in Happy Pigs, a novice player will stand very little chance against someone that knows the scant card probabilities.  Which, in my mind defies the whole point of the seasonal effects in the first place, they should either be consistent, or widely varied.

Action Charrt


Here an Oink! There an Oink.!  Everywhere an Oink! Oink!

Happy Pigs has a lot of components. There is lots of cardboard in this box, every single possible item is represented as a cardboard chit.  There are literally hundreds of pigs.  

Towers of Pigs

Not anywhere near enough money tokens, and plenty of cardboard chits for each of the three items available at market (if you are so inclined to get the expansion Happy Pigs: Farm Friends, or even some of the promo Ducks and/or Penguins you’ll have a box  (thankfully bereft of any insert) bursting with cuboid cardboard animals, but enough that each player can play with their own animal) and every time you play this game you’ll have to get them all out, use a fraction of them and put them all away again.  




[gallery ids="2457,2456" type="rectangular"]

Why there isn’t a tracker per player for their items and/or money I don’t know.  I like my box organisers, and I like to do whatever I can to speed up the set-up, but I do find it frustrating that I have far too many of one component and not enough of another.  In short, a game about money should have plenty of money.

Money.jpgThe art from Christophe Fossard is gorgeous (as it always is and I recommend giving him a follow on Twitter or Instagram too if you like the stuff he churns out for, well pretty much every major games publisher), and hats off to him for making a cuboid piglet look so darn cute - but, one can’t help but feel a little disturbed by the giant pigs complete with sweat and bags under their eyes.




[gallery ids="2452,2453" type="columns"]

Squeal Piggy...a pig loving critique

Fair warning: the below “rant” about Happy Pigs is arguably superficial, and highly subjective (as all reviews should be).  If the theme of a game is of no consequence to you, skip to “Rant Mode Complete” and avoid reading about why I will never play this game again.

>>Rant mode engaged<<Fundamentally I have two (and a bit) issues with the game itself.  The repetitive Seasonal Effects and swingy nature aside - as those aspects do actually add to some of the frustrations and fun I have when playing.  Yet, I have an issue with the theme, and as a novel irk, the name of the game itself!  

That’s right Happy Pigs, what a delightful sounding game?  However, the game is not concerned at all, in any way with the emotional or even physical well being of the pigs.  Even the box art sees a very cartoony pig RUNNING FOR ITS LIFE from an equally cartoony pig farmer bent on its capture.  This isn’t Okja, the Happy [Super] Pig playing in the mountains of Korea, no. This is Fat Pig, Fat Wallet: Happy Farmer.  

Happy PigThe theme too is a little on the unpleasant side for me.  I’m an animal lover, and if I had space at home there is a fair chance I’d own (or at least have seriously considered) a pig as a family pet.  I don’t eat pork either, so a game about rearing pigs, feeding them to the extreme only to sell...well, I just don’t like it.  Neither can I fully get over the idea that obesity is not only celebrated in this game but is highly rewarded.  

With minimal work the game could be re-skinned as Happy Pandas or Happy >Insert Endangered Animal Here< and not only would you still have the interesting economic game at the core, but it could also have educational and conservation lessons in there too. >>Rant Mode Complete<<

By the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin

On the whole, this game is not what it appears or alludes to be.  It looks very cute and very friendly, you may even mistake it for a family or children's game with its bubbly art style, and cheerful name.  I can pretty much guarantee that playing this game at “family” time will cause a ruckus.  It is cutthroat, it is a tightly wound economic engine which will have you screaming blue- effing-murder at your opponents before the end of the first season.  What appears to be a simple choice of four simple actions has massive and long-lasting implications, and before you make that choice you have to decide if you are going to hamper an opponent or try and help yourself.  Once you get the swing of this game it does tick by at pace, where you feel busy most of the time, even when you’re not physically moving pigs or items around your farm or market, the cogs will still be turning trying to work out not only what your next move is, but everyone else's is too.  This is more so the case once you have a firm grasp of the game and play each round simultaneously - this does mean that up to 6 players can get a game played in around 60 minutes.  If you aren’t paying attention, or if you are on the wrong side of the swing you can and will see the entire game slip away from you as one or two players steam ahead leaving you up to your ears in something that you hope is just mud.  

In Play 1

In many ways I feel like this game is almost there, Rant Mode notwithstanding, it is like a Kickstarter that really should have hit more of its stretch goals.  A greater variety of Season Cards could have put a lot of my qualms about this game to pasture.  I have frustrations with this game, and yes some of those are fun, but not fun enough to keep me going back for more.


The Good

Tense player interaction

Great engine building

Mechanically simple and easy to teach

Some great artwork


The Bad

Too many chits and tokens

Not enough variety in Seasonal Effects


Easy potential for Runaway leader

This game was purchased at a reduced rate from Zatu for the purpose of a review.


Friday, 8 December 2017

Review: Farlight


Game Name:FarlightPublished Year:2017
Game Publisher:GamesalutePlayer Scale:2 - 5
Game Designer:Nick SibickyRun Time:45 mins

In Play

In the not too distant future, you’ll be able to pop off on your jollies to visit the Sea of Tranquility instead of Lanzarote if what Mr Branson is selling comes about, in the meantime, you can conquer that pesky atmosphere and go boldly into that void with Farlight. Much like Branson, Musk and Bezos, you’ll be running your high tech aerospace company in a tight, and faced paced race, attempting to outmanoeuvre, outwit and outclass your competitors.


[gallery ids="2430,2429" type="rectangular"]


Farlight is an auction and tile placement game in which each round players will bid on parts for their ship, to then connect those parts before attempting one of the all-important missions. This is as simple as it sounds, in turn, each player will place two of their 5 bidding tokens - ranked from zero to four - on any ship upgrade or facility at Farlight Station, with the option of adding one of their scarce and valuable crew to the bid to increase it by one. Once all bids are placed, the winner of each is revealed, losers who bid more than zero gain one additional crew for their trouble and then parts are added to the ship.


[caption id="attachment_2432" align="alignnone" width="3963"]Ship My super-cool spaceship with big meaty engines![/caption]



This is a victory point game, with only one real way to gain points (there are also bonus points and as the name suggests, the bonuses are just that, they’ll make the difference between finishing second or third, they won’t win you the game). At the top of the board, there will be a selection of Mission Cards, arranged into three columns, and missions ranked from lowest value to highest and then the game ending Climatic Mission.


[caption id="attachment_2417" align="alignnone" width="3233"]Bonus Tokens Bonus Tiles - three of which are used each game[/caption]


These missions form the focus of each game, and there is a nice assortment of them, as missions can vary with their requirements as a mixture of, or a sole requisite of Science, BioTech and/or engines. And it is here that we encounter the most interesting, and most frustrating aspect of this game: getting the right parts at the right time. At the beginning of the game the board is filled with parts, and then at the end of each round, anything that was 'sold' is replaced.  However, since there is no seeding of the deck, nor a separate deck for each part "type", the draft is very random.  So, important, game-necessary cards, like, I don't know, engines, for example, don't appear quite as frequently as one would hope


[caption id="attachment_2421" align="alignnone" width="2539"]Engine Dice Engine dice - these dictate how powerful your engine is.[/caption]

Now kids, remember getting into space is really difficult because you have to break away from the Earth’s gravitational pull. Which is really, really hard. In order to do that you need really powerful engines. So when only one appears in Farlight Station, it becomes very highly sought after. Even Two engines mean that most players are going to be bidding on both of them, and probably bidding high, this essentially creates a bottleneck of bids, since only empty slots are replaced, you can end up with only two or three cards being drafted. So the “issue” is not only exacerbated but is self-serving.



[caption id="attachment_2427" align="alignnone" width="4032"]Mission Bidding Not every Mision requires engines, these few are easy pickings for Science & Biotech ships[/caption]



Is it really a problem? For me, it’s not a deal breaker, it is frustrating, and I think there are some easy ways around it, or even a little House Ruling to make it flow a little better. But, for others, this could be too much. It does create an individual economy per game, in the same way that a scarcity of one resource in say, Splendor does alter how everyone plays, but unlike Splendor, there is no way to get around not having an engine on your spaceship (although you can get around Science and BioTech, which is odd). And if you ever hope to achieve one of the Climatic Missions then you need engines. At least two, but more likely three.


Climatic Missions

So let’s do the maths. In a five player game, each player is going to really want/need three engines, so that will be fifteen engines in all. Of a possible sixteen, and to me that seems pretty tight, and in the games I've played, it has been.


[caption id="attachment_2428" align="alignnone" width="4032"]Missions Missions aplenty for your would be tech companies to attempt[/caption]


The Climatic Missions themselves also present their own quirk, and that is a linear narrative. These missions almost force the game to move in a specified direction - which really does feel like your choices are being stricken off as you advance through the game.  Normal missions are stacked in front of these, so the Climatic Missions can’t be attempted until the stack is clear, meaning that as soon as two of the normal missions are resolved, all players now focus on that column, making the others more or less redundant, since winning a climatic mission will pretty much bag that player the win.


[caption id="attachment_2433" align="alignnone" width="3026"]Winner Winning the game comes with a little winner card - which is nice[/caption]


Since these missions are so high scoring that in some cases it can be the only mission a player accomplishes and they still end up winning.  Obviously, this does sour the milk a little for everyone else playing.  That being said, you can stop a player running away with the lead,  you can outbid them as rarely will an opponent just need one part.  It is within every player's power to stop and hinder that winning bid, but again, by doing so, this limits your choices.


[caption id="attachment_2424" align="alignnone" width="4032"]In Play Close Up 2 He really wants that piece...or are all of those low bids, it could be 4, or 11[/caption]


You could argue that the game is broken, or that it isn’t balanced, etc. and I could argue with you, but I wouldn’t argue particularly hard or for very long. However, and it’s a big HOWEVER, the game is really good fun. I’ve really enjoyed playing it, each and every time. Unlike Steampunk Rally (which has a similar feel, and tile placement mechanic), where all the players are building at the same time, in Farlight you have time to take stock and see what everyone else is doing. You can bluff and inflate the cost of a valuable piece for your opponents that you know they really, really want while you pick up that other thing. And there is a great sense of satisfaction when you win a tile on a low bid because you’ve misdirected everyone. Or when you bid here, and then there, to do that, so that next turn you can do the other thing. It’s a game that wants you to plan and more importantly to it wants you to scheme. It creates a wonderful market conflict and for a game with only indirect player interaction, there is usually a lot of trash talk too.


[caption id="attachment_2423" align="alignnone" width="3320"]In Play Close Up 1 Enter a caption[/caption]


Farlight makes for a very enjoyable experience, perhaps a little too random and linear for some gamers, but I've found it to be just the right amount of fun to counterbalance those failings.

The Good

A thought-provoking economics game

Really good fun to play

With the right crowd, it will have some great player interaction

The Bad:

Doesn’t feel very balanced,

Can suffer from a runaway leader

Has a linear and predictable conclusion

This game was purchased/ backed on Kickstarter so some of the contents may vary from retail editions of the game


Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Dragonmeet 2017


[caption id="attachment_2405" align="alignnone" width="1024"]20171202_160435_wm One of the Two gaming room at Dragonmeet[/caption]


December brings with it the end of another year, Christmas, and, most importantly my birthday. But, before any of that, there is Dragonmeet! The UK’s second largest boardgames convention (behind the UK Games Expo in June). This year was my second time venturing from the comfortable, pleasant and green confines of Warwickshire, down to that little corner of the Big Smoke, Hammersmith and to the Novotel Hotel for a brilliant day out with lots and lots of cardboard.

In the last 365 (ish) days since my last visit Dragonmeet has bloomed, it is so much bigger and better than the previous year that I feel I missed out on just as much as I saw. Although I had a good idea as to what to expect I was well and truly off the mark.

From talking to a few friends about this con, there is, or to my mind at least; was, this idea that Dragonmeet was RPG and miniatures heavy. Although this may have been true in the past, and Dragonmeet still boasts a very large selection of these styles of games, the board and card game representation was pretty darn impressive.

As someone who doesn't play RPGs, nor miniatures games, last year I did run out of games to play or get involved in. This year I had to be dragged away. I played plenty of games, in fact probably just as many in the one day as I did over the three at UKGE, and I still didn't get to play some of the games and talk to all the people I wanted to. But still, here I will provide a quick summary and a "first impressions" of my day.

Summoner's Isle


[caption id="attachment_2395" align="alignnone" width="1024"]20171202_114848_wm Summoner's isle, 2 Player map[/caption]


After a quick look at the demo hall and seeing every gaming table full of people I went and saw my pal Robbie Munn in the Playtest Zone. He was testing out the 2 player variant of Summoner's Isle, I wax lyrical about this game for the 3/4 player version and what it was lacking was the game I played today. It still has the same charming great look and great feel. With a smaller map and fewer rounds the map soon fills up with the glorious little, and not so little, creatures that are summoned. From the chat we had post-game whether this game is heading to Kickstarter directly from Peculiarity or if Robbie will work with another publisher is still to be decided. To find out what’s happening with this game, the best place is on Facebook, but this is one I’ll be keeping a close eye on.



[caption id="attachment_2398" align="alignnone" width="1024"]20171202_124657_wm Newspeak Location Cards[/caption]


The next blockbuster game to no doubt come flying out of the ITB gate is this bad boy. This almost-dystopian, one versus many, coded communication game pits a team of Dissidents against an individual Moderator as each tries to lever control of the city from the other. The Dissidents will do this by using one of the ten selected code cards, communicating through this agreed-upon code to converge their efforts in one of the cities locations - represented by oversized location cards. If all of the Dissidents can agree and meet up then the wool is pulled back, revealing the bland, but the very real state of the world. However, if the Moderator can crack the code and get to the location, then it becomes moderated, and thus unhackable. One of the game end conditions will kick in when X number of Locations have been flipped one way or another.

This game is an interesting blend of Spyfall, Codenames and Mysterium, with a wonderfully illustrated Black Mirror augmented reality theme. It takes that coded word dropping of Codenames and extends it into a conversation, but you still need to be covert enough as to not have your code cracked by the moderator, and on top of that you have all the subjectivity, detail and relatability from Mysterium.



[caption id="attachment_2411" align="alignnone" width="784"]20171202_122135 Playing Newspeak with peter Blenkharn of ITB and Robbie Munn[/caption]


If you like just one of those aforementioned games you should definitely check this game out when it comes to Kickstarter in January. In the meantime read up the Development Diaries or choose your side on the Facebook group.

Wreck & Ruin


[caption id="attachment_2400" align="alignnone" width="1024"]20171202_133902_wm Wreck & Ruin, and an almost inappropriate Lucozade bottle[/caption]


I was able to watch people play this game and it’s one I really, really want to play. I’ve expressed this in no uncertain terms to the designer, Mark McKinnon, now a number of times. I couldn't get a seat at the table six months ago, why would it be any different this time? Especially now he's painted all those minis. Hopefully, soon I can play it until then you can read what the Polyhedron Collier boys thought of it.

Muster - The Tabletop App

I had a lovely catch up with these nice chaps about their tabletop meet-up style app (available right now for free on ios and Android!). We discussed how salt and vinegar crisps in a sandwich is, and will always be a classic, and how crisps in any sandwich make it better.


[caption id="attachment_2409" align="alignnone" width="1080"]IMG_20171202_222957_512_wm Luke from Muster and I trying to be clever and funny.[/caption]


Then we talked about their app. Muster aims to fill that niche hole in the market where Social Networks, Meet-Up and Board Gaming all converge. In their own words, its Tinder for Tabletop. Use it with your mates to organise which games you’ll play with the where and whens. Use it for your gaming group to find new faces. I’m giving this a good go right now, which is especially handy since not everyone in my gaming group uses Facebook and/or Whatsapp, and I have hopes that this gives us what we need to organise our games, and most importantly, trash talk each other.

Gladiatores: Blood for Roses


[caption id="attachment_2401" align="alignnone" width="1024"]20171202_144443_wm Everybody is paying very close attention to every move in this fight.  Go on Iain!![/caption]


The next game from Badcat Games will have you pitting yourself against your friends in ancient gladiatorial combat with his quickfire, hand management game. Though to call it a hand management game, only covers one aspect of the game. You see, in this game you are the manager/operator of a fighting school, where you’ll place bets on the outcome of each event, so beating some of you opponent only to allow another to win. This game encapsulates that old saying about picking your battles.

For each event, your hand of cards represent your stamina, and gaining stamina isn’t something that happens often or easily. you’ll trade blows (cards) in the hope of landing one that your opponent is unable or unwilling to defend against. A really nice aspect of this game is that you can choose your opponent, so in a five-player game (like the one I played in) you can pick on the weak ones, or just attacks those fighters you suspect are now unable to defend against your particular attacks. It’s an interesting game of both tactics and memory, to know when, where and who to strike at just the right time to win your glory.


[caption id="attachment_2402" align="alignnone" width="1024"]20171202_145347_wm One of my special cards, the Take Down[/caption]


From the sounds and feel of this game there is plenty to be discovered and learnt, like an old-school beat-em-up, everyone will have their favourite combos, tricks and of course, their finishers.

This should be hitting Kickstarter middle of 2018.



[caption id="attachment_2404" align="alignnone" width="1024"]20171202_152613_wm The moment when I scored 8 points in one turn.  Eight![/caption]


I’ve got a lot of love for this game, and when I met up with Ian McCallister from the Giant Brain, and he said he had not played but was interested in giving it a go, I very gladly obliged (and also kicked his ass, but don’t mention it to him; he was pretty broken up by the whole thing). While we were there we playtested a new variant mode for Andrew which really changed the pace and feel of the game - and I don’t know how much more of about that I can say.

Chocolate Factory:


[caption id="attachment_2407" align="alignnone" width="1024"]20171202_171150_wm My prototype Chocolate Factory[/caption]


This was a very early prototype for the forthcoming game from Alley Cat Games, yes I could have played Dice Hospital again, but since I’m a very intelligent chap and had backed it, I thought I‘d look at something new. The Chocolate Factory finally gives everyone the chance to play Mr Wonka. This charming engine building Euro-style game sees players processing raw cocoa into a variety of different types of confectionary, attempting to fill personal or public contracts. Each turn you’ll add new parts to your factory, gain fuel or specialists in order to make your factory work, but most interestingly you push through another section of your conveyor belt. Which was very satisfying.

A medium weight Euro game, where I had lots to think about and consider each turn, turning ‘This’ into ‘That’, so I can make two of ‘Those’ when I do this. And, all of that with what I suspect to a pretty short playtime. All the types of things I love.

Following Alley Cat Games on Facebook is the best place to stay up to date with how this project progresses, and by my thinking, this is going to another great game, and I’m genuinely excited to see how it looks and plays next time I get a chance (city on Games perhaps…?).

Cardboard Regrets

I didn’t get a chance to see Pulsar 2849 from CGE or get a proper chance to have a look at Yogi (the new name and face of a party favourite of mine In A Bind) - but I did get a hug from Bez. Nor could I sit down with Lewis Shaw to play Dead & Breakfast as his booth was always full and with more waiting to play as well as many, many others...


I had a great time at Dragonmeet, and will certainly make in a regular con for me, lots of lovely people, and some brilliant games.

I even treated my self to a pre-Birthday gift:
